Kerry and Jordan talk about two upcoming ICBA Training Courses – Permeable Pavement Construction and Maintenance on Sept. 29th and Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Structures on Oct. 20th. Both are taught by David Hein.
Permeable Pavement Construction and Maintenance (Webinar)
Wednesday, September 29th, 2021; 1-2:30PM
The use of permeable pavements for stormwater management is gaining rapid acceptance across North America. While permeable pavements have been around for a long-time, poor performance is not unusual. This webinar highlights best practices for the design, construction and long-term maintenance of asphalt, concrete and interlocking concrete permeable pavements. Lessons learned from the preparation of a new ASCE Standard for the Design of Permeable Pavements is presented.
Guide construction specifications, construction and maintenance guidelines are provided via checklists. A key tool for assessing surface infiltration and subsequent vacuum cleaning is adoption of an ASTM surface infiltration test for PICP. The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the key features of design, construction and maintenance of PICPs to assist agencies and other owners to implement permeable pavement system for economical stormwater management.
The learning objectives for this webinar include:
- Understand methods to cost-effectively construct and maintain permeable pavements including porous asphalt, pervious concrete and interlocking concrete paving stones
- Understand structural and hydrologic design
- Identify appropriate specifications for permeable pavements
- Recognize key design and construction features to ensure success
- Optimize water quantity management and quality benefits
Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Structures (Webinar)
Wednesday, October 20th, 2021; 1-2:30PM
The design, construction and long-term stability monitoring of MSE walls continues to evolve as designers, researchers and specifiers push the leading edge of the technology and use more advanced geosynthetic materials and systems.
At present, MSE walls represent more than half of all retaining walls used for transportation applications. MSE walls can offer some fairly significant advantages for the construction of transportation infrastructure. They are used to reduce or eliminate the need for the improvement of poor foundations where piles, caissons or other soils stabilization techniques would be required for the use of conventional reinforced concrete retaining walls. They are most commonly used as cost-effective solutions where the cost of fill, right-of-way or other restrictions require a steeper slope than is practically possible.
There are many types of MSE wall types categorized by the geometry of the reinforcement, mechanism used to transfer stress, the type of reinforcement material (metallic or non-metallic) and the type and geometry of the wall facing.
This webinar provides a basic understanding of the type of MSE walls, their primary uses, key factors in their design and lessons learned from construction. A series of case studies provides the “good” the “bad” and the “ugly” experiences with the use of MSE walls along with key lessons learned for their long-term success.
The learning objectives for this webinar include:
- Recognize potential MSE wall applications for transportation facilities
- Understand the primary design considerations and select appropriate parameters for design
- To be able to check contractor submitted designs for MSE walls
- Select appropriate specification and contracting methods
- Identify appropriate construction inspection activities to confirm compliance with design
David Hein is a consulting Civil Engineer with over 35 years of experience in the design, evaluation and management of pavement infrastructure. He recently retired from Applied Research Associates, Inc. of Toronto, Ontario. He is the past president of the American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation and Development Institute, long term member of the Transportation Association of Canada and has represented Canada on the World Road Association pavements and asset management committees since 2002. He has been involved in numerous national and international projects including many of the public/private/ partnership highway construction projects across Canada and the United States.  Mr. Hein has completed numerous pavement design, evaluation and management projects throughout British Columbia including both design and management of the Sea to Sky Highway and is a regular instructor completing specialty design, construction and maintenance courses for the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation.