Kerry and Jordan chat about Easter dinner – and look at ICBA Training’s latest featured course.

Addiction Awareness in Construction: Substance Use Disorder
Friday, April 12, 2024 | 1-2PM Pacific
FREE for ICBA members

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Join our exclusive 1-hour workshop tailored for the construction industry, delving into the crucial topic of Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Explore construction-specific statistics, low-risk guidelines for alcohol and marijuana use, and discover healthier pain management strategies. Tackle self-medicating dangers, process physical and emotional pain, and gain insights into the challenges of seeking help.

Here’s What to Expect:

  • Insightful discussions on the construction landscape and SUD statistics.
  • Practical guidelines for low-risk alcohol and marijuana use.
  • Differentiating unhealthy and healthy pain avoidance.
  • Strategies to break free from self-medicating and explore safer alternatives.
  • Coping with physical and emotional pain through constructive methods.
  • Navigating the challenges of seeking help and available resources.
  • Building a supportive environment with professional and personal support systems.